Friday 26 October 2018

How to Get Index Quickly Your New Blog Post on Google

If you are a blogger, you know how long time to index your new blog post on google. It takes time to catch your new blog post by the google bot. Therefore you need to find some ways to index quickly.
Today we are talking about some tips on how to catch your blog post fast on search engines.

1)      Google Webmaster Tool
This is the best tool that you can use for index fast your new article.
This is a good and safe way to start indexing. After move on to the webmaster tool, select ’fetch as google bot’ section. Then enter your URL and click ‘Fetch’. Once you receive a successful status you can click submit button. Where you can submit up to 500 URLs per week.

2)      XML Sitemap
Adding an XML sitemap will tell Google about all pages of your website. Where Google can catch all pages easily. This is awesome for large websites like e-commerce websites.

3)      Social Media Profiles
Nowadays you can’t think about any marketing method without forgetting social media channels. Create social media profiles for your website. Then you can share your fresh contents on there. Be social and keep active on them. Get more followers and engage with them. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Linkedin are the best social media channels that I recommend. Try to get more retweets, likes, and shares. Getting more social signals will send messages to the search engines about your fresh content.

4) Inbound Links
Getting backlinks from popular and authority sites will also help to catch you fast. Try to build natural and relevant backlinks. Blog commenting and Guest blogging is the best and easy ways to create quality inbound links. Don’t forget to share your new post on Pinterest.

5) Website Speed
Try to reduce your website load time as you can. This will improve your search results and also helps to catch you by the google bot. Add low-quality images to the site and remove unnecessary plugins of your website.

6) Internal Linking
Connect old blog posts with new blog posts. This is another good practice to notice to the google bot. This also drives traffic to the old blog post. Always link to the relevant posts only.

7) Regular Updating
When you refresh your site regularly google will catch you quickly. But most bloggers don’t do that. They only post with long time gaps. I suggest you update your site with new posts at least once a week.

8) Social bookmarking Sites
Use Reddit, Digg, and Stumbleupon to post your fresh contents. These social bookmarking sites drive a lot of traffic and it affects to catch you quickly. Try to find the best social media sites and publish there.

9) Ping Websites
These sites will help to notice to the search bots to catch your site artificially. Don’t overuse these sites. Be careful and don’t spam. Detecting spam will penalize you by Google.

Search engines take some time to catch your site. But trying these methods will index your site soon. Learn basic off page SEO factors and that will help you to know further things about the topic.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Tips to Optimize Images for Get Better Search Engine Rankings

Did you think images can lose or improve your Google rankings? Actually, optimizing images has many other advantages. Within this article, we are going to give some tips on how to optimize blog images.

1)      File Name
You need to concern when you are naming any image name. Give the correct name that should express the actual image. Include your targeting keyword to that file name. The first character of every word should be upper case letter. Here an example of the good image name
Correct- “Image-Optimize-Tips”
Wrong – “imageoptimization2018”
Separate words using (-) mark. Don’t use too many words to the name. It’s enough 3-5 words. Giving too long file name will lose your rankings. I have seen some bloggers add too many images for a single blog post. Don’t include unnecessary images to your blog post. Adding too many images will increase page load time. Since today you need to give file name as mentioned above method.

2)      Image Size
Try to reduce the images sizes as you can. It’s better to reduce file size than 70kb. But the problem is you need to put HD images to appear in social media post. However, if you concern more about SEO please include small size images. HD images will increase page load time and that will lose readers. Nobody likes to wait a long time to see any web page. It’s enough one image for most of the blog posts.

3)      ALT Tags
Did you see alt tags in HTML document? This is a tag which you can use to introduce your image to search engines. Once your image not shown in your browser, definitely you will some text which mention the image. These texts are alt tags. Alt tags are great places to highlight target keywords. Include targeting keywords on it. If you have a WordPress website, you can put these alt tags easily. In HTML websites, you need to add them manually.
Here I’m going to show you an example for HTML document

Alt=”Image Optimization Tips”

 There you don’t need to separate words using any mark.

4)      File Type
There are many image types. JPEG, PNG, GIF are the most popular image types. Normally JPEG and PNG are the best types for the websites. If you have an E-Commerce store, I recommend using the JPEG format. These type images are clearer than PNG format. You need to choose the best file type according to your requirement.

5)      Unique Images
Don’t use google images on your blog post. Google will detect it easily and you will face copyright problems. I recommend you to create these google images according to your requirement by using Photoshop or any other image editing software. You can change file format, image size, resolution and other options with this software.

In the above blog post, we have mentioned how to find copyright free images. It's better if you can produce own images.
Canava is a great online image optimization tool where you can all editing without any special knowledge.

Other Tips

      ·         Don’t put links to the images
·         Use Image sitemaps for further SEO
·         Don’t use decorative images
·         Share your images in photo sharing sites like Pinterest, Instagram..etc.

Final Word
Giving correct image names will drive niche targeted traffic via google image searches. Uploading or sharing your images in Pinterest will drive additional traffic to your website. Image optimization is important for rank high on google. Therefore, you need to allocate time for image optimization.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

How to SEO Fiverr Gigs for More Clicks and Impressions

Fiverr is a popular freelancing site on the internet. There are many sellers and buyers. Therefore competition is so high. If you are a newbie seller you need to make a professional gig to get more sales. To fulfill that you need to seo your gig to get more visitors through search engine result pages.
Today we are going to show you how to rank your Fiverr gig on google for a specific keyword.

You need to find your seed keyword first. Then you can make your Fiverr gig according to it. Do keyword research and find the best targeting keyword to rank. For example, if you are doing photoshop editing, then your main keyword will be “Photoshop Editing”. After that, you need to highlight that keyword within your gig.

You need to include your seed keyword within your title. It’s important to rank.
Ex: “I will Do Professional Photoshop Editing for 5$”

Add your seed keyword within your gig URL. Always try to start it with your seed keyword
This is a good way to highlight your keyword to search engines. But most sellers don’t think about this.

Images & Gig Video
You need to put your targeting keyword to the names of gig images and video. Always careful to not to spam and be intelligent when you are doing this.

Gig Description
You need to produce great content to attract your buyers. Within this, you can include your seed keyword 2-3 times. Don’t put it more than three times because it’s spam. But some people try to do it again and again. Once google detects you are going to spam, definitely you will lose google rankings.

Tags are an important factor for the rank you in fiverr results page. You need to identify what your buyers searching and then you can put these terms to your tags. You are only allowed to put 5 tags for a single gig. Don’t forget to include your seed keywords within these tags.

Other Factors
There are some several factors which help Google to rank your gig.

     1)      Reviews – Try to get always 5-star ratings. Getting more ratings will definitely help to defeat your competitors for the same keyword. Always you need to do your work very well to get high ratings.
     2)      Bookmark- Once your buyers bookmark your gig, that will helps to increase your rankings. People bookmark you because your gig is great for their work.

     3)      Social Shares – You need to get more shares to rank high. Ask your buyers to share your gig and experience with their social media followers. You need to do self-promotions on facebook, twitter, google plus, and Pinterest.

These are my tips to rank your gig in google. I tried those things and got succeed. Always try to work very well for your customers. You need to get their feedbacks to rank for better positions.

Sunday 21 October 2018

How to Create SEO-Friendy URLs for Your Blog

Sometimes you are a website owner or blog site, owner. Did you think, the URL structure of your blog plays a crucial role in your rankings? However, it is an important part of on-page SEO. If you want to learn basic on-page SEO please read the post below

In 2018, Google now considers many factors to rank any website. There are about 200 factors that they are considering. They mainly focus on the permalinks:
     ·         URL length
    ·         URL path
    ·          Keywords in the URL
    ·         URL string

Well, optimized URLs also help to better user experience. Your permalink is the describing factor to the search engines which you included in the blog post. In this article, we are talking about some important things you should remember when creating permalinks for your blog.

Top Level Domains
This does not highly affect your rankings. But this is important to trust your readers. People trust more sites that are ended with ‘.com’. They don’t give much value to the TLDs like ‘.biz’,’pro’,’co’…etc. Therefore you need to buy ‘.com’ for better user experience. When selecting any domain, keep it short as short as possible. It should be short and sweet. Your domain should express your overall brand.

Online security is a popular topic on the internet. If your site has SSL value, definitely you have a chance to get a higher position in google because now they add more value to these kinds of security sites. You can take an SSL certificate from your domain registrar.

Content Describing
Some google searchers read your URL before click your post. So you need to describe your content within your permalink. Use accurate phrases always.

Short URLs
It’s better to keep them short as you can. Getting a tiny URL is easy to type and increase your SEO value. Normally it’s enough 3-5 words for any permalink. Don’t forget to include your main keyword in it.

Include your major targeting keyword to the URL. It is a best practice to highlight your main keyword. Start URL with that specific keyword. Words which are at the end of the URL don’t have much significance SEO value.

Repeated Words
Don’t put the same word again and again. It’s enough to include one time. Including too many similar words will drop down your rankings as well as when you are doing the same thing again and again, you will penalize by the search engines.

You can use hyphens to separate words in the URL. (-) is recommended for better rankings. Google will detect that hyphen as space. But most of the bloggers use the underscore (_) to separate two words. I recommend to don’t do that and use hyphens for instead it.



Uppercase Letters
Don’t use capital letters within URLs. Always you have to use lowercase letters. Capital letters will lose your rankings and it is an SEO unfriendly method to practice.

You have to be careful when creating subdomains for your blog. Don’t create add-on domains because of google neglect those sites. You can create a subfolder for any requirement.


Not Optimized

Stop Words
Don’t use filler words within your permalink. Filler words are words that connect two essential words.
Example: a, an, or, but

You are allow to use numbers 0-9 and characters a-z. However, search engines will unfriend with you when you these characters:
(, . < > % { [ ] } ? / \ | ~ )

Hope this guide will help you to create optimized permalinks for your blog. If you are a WordPress blogger you can do it easily with Yoast SEO Plugin. Here we don’t have written about 100% information. You need to find those new SEO tactics to get your site to the top of the google.

Saturday 20 October 2018

Why Bloggers Concern More about the Benefits of Blog Commenting

If you are a blog reader I’m sure you would have seen a comment section in the bottom part of the blog articles. Did you think that the comment section has a value for other bloggers?
Actually, that comment section is a great place to share your review about that specific article. There are some several benefits too.

You can add your name, email address, and website. When the blog admins approved your comment, you can see your name with your name. But some bloggers don’t allow readers to comment on their blog posts. Within this blog post, I’m going to talk about some benefits that you can get via blog commenting. I thought it would be better to write an article about the importance of blog commenting in 2018.

This is the most important part in blog commenting. You can receive a backlink through your comment. Most of these links are no-follow. But some blogs allow readers to get do follow backlinks. It’s better to check your commenting site providing do-follow or no-follow links. You should always try to get do-follow backlinks because no-follow only has tiny value. Getting backlinks will index your site fast in google algorithm.

This is actually a bonus for you. When you create do-follow backlinks you are getting traffic from those blog posts. Always try to add valuable comments and solve other problems. This will help you to drive more traffic to your blog. Don’t post generic comments like “nice post”, “Thank You”, “great article”..etc. These spam comments will reject by the blog admins soon. I recommend you write your comment at least 4-5 lines.
Don’t forget to use to produce images for your email address. Which is important to attract readers.

Commenting with your targeting keywords is an awesome way to rank higher on google. But most bloggers don’t approve such comments. If your comment has a value definitely they will accept your comment without considering your name.

You should always target niche relevant sites only. You don’t have any SEO value from the non-relevant sites.  Getting backlinks through niche relevant sites will improve both domains authority and domain authority.

New Connections
Another good advantage is you will get new friends with this process. You will also connect with experts in your niche. It’s important to take your blog to the next level. Your audience will grow and that will make more email subscribers. To get this advantage you need to comment regularly.

Blog commenting will make backlinks, SEO, Traffic, and new relationships for you. As a blogger, you should try this process. This is an easy way to get more benefits and you need some time to allocate some time to read other’s blog posts.

Always add some value and don’t spam. If you are a WordPress blogger, you can add a comment section to your blog. It’s important to connect with other bloggers. Commentluv is a great plugin to do it easily. You also can make email subscribers with this awesome plugin.

Create a blog list which allows publishing do follow comments. Remember, most sites don’t allow to add your website to their site. So, you need to do research to find those sites.

After creating your list, you need to subscribe to their newsfeed. When you receive email notifications you can comment first to their new articles. Be the first is important.

Saturday 6 October 2018

This is how you Can Make Money By Creating a Micro-Niche Blog

Blogging is one of my favorite things. I do blogging for fun and to make money. It’s true you can make a lot of money with blogging. But you need to work hard and the decision for your work. There are so many internet marketers who are making thousands of dollars with blogging.

Today, I’m going to talk about how you can make money with a micro niche blog. Let me give an introduction about micro niche blog.

A micro niche blog is a small blog where include all the information about a tiny topic. These niche targeted blogs rank higher in search engines rather than other non-targeted blogs.
Here is how you can create a micro niche blog.

Select the Best Niche and a Perfect Domain
You need to select a niche that you are interesting and comfortable. You have to think about what the best and trending topics in that niche are. Find what are the topics which popular in both the UK and USA. If you can target these countries your earnings will increase rather than other countries.
There are so many popular free and paid tools which you can use for analyze google search, cost per click, popular and competition. You need to get a full SEO audit report before getting started. Another important thing is you need to buy a keyword related domain which should include your main keyword. But careful selecting those domains. EMD is very harmful when google identify you are going to hack their algorithm.

Keyword Research and Content Planning
This is the most important step in your whole work. You have to separate your time doing keyword research.

You can use SEMrush, Longtailpro like paid tools to do advanced keyword researches. But you don’t have to pay money, you simply use free tools like google adwords and google trends.

When selecting topics, you have to consider whether that topic has the same demand for a long time. Timely popular topics are not important. Choose the ideal keywords and make titles according to them. Use Image Alt tags, permalinks to include your keyword. Include your main keyword in 2-3 places in your article. Keyword density is important. It should be less than 2%.

Start your topic with some specific words like what is…, how to.., advantages and disadvantages…, important facts…etc. Starting from these words catches readers to your blog.

Before creating contents you should select at least 20 topics. Then set a plan to write articles. You need to produce some great articles. I mean you have to write about 1000+ words for a single article. Go to deep of your topic as you can

Setting Up Your Blog
I recommend you to start your blog on WordPress. It is easy to manage and it is search engine friendly. Get a perfect domain and you have to connect it with a hosting account. I suggest you try Hostgator.

It’s easy to set up WordPress into your hosting account. Then you can set an eye-catching theme for your blog. Genesis is one of the best WordPress themes for a blog.

Then you can install essential plugins like Yoast SEO, Akismet, Auto Post Thumbnail...etc.

Do all the Customization
You need to do all the customization to keep with you. Start social media channels for your brand name and set up them in your blog to follow easily. You can use the Yoast SEO Plugin to produce SEO friendly articles. Don’t forget to add a subscription box to catch email subscribers. Fill the About Us and Contact Us pages very clearly.

Promote Your Blog
Share your contents in all social media channels. You also need to build some backlinks. Social Bookmarking, Forum Posting, Blog Commenting are the easiest methods to build to quality backlinks. But first, you need to submit your blog to search engines like Google and Bing.

Now you can make money
When you receive niche targeted traffic you can start monetization. Google Adsense and Affiliate Marketing are the best methods for Micro-Niche blogs. Apply Adsense after produce some great articles. Then you can do affiliate marketing with Adsense.

I hope now you know how to make money with a micro-niche blog. But most of them failed to start. Don’t wait to start and begin the journey today. I wish all the best for you.

Thursday 4 October 2018

How to Get Your First Order Quickly in Fiverr

Fiverr is one of the best freelancer websites on the internet. You can make money by selling your skills. If you are interested in any skill, you can allocate your time for a freelancer buyer.

After deciding your skill, you need to start a gig to show your skills to others. The buyers first see your gig and then hire you for their work. Before get orders, you need to make an eye-catching profile and a gig.

In 2018, it’s really difficult to get your first order for new sellers. Nobody, like to hire a new seller. Buyers always see seller’s ratings and reviews before set an order.

Here are some few tips which will help you to make your first order.

Buyer Requests
Each an every day you can send 10 buyer requests. Don’t miss this opportunity. This is the easiest way to set your first order. Always write an attractive description and it should be an appealing one. You can send custom orders with buyer requests. Don’t send requests that you are not satisfied. If you satisfy whether that work can do better, it is the best one to send a request.

Share Your Gigs
You can use social media channels to promote your gigs. Decide what are the best places that your buyers on the internet. Find those places and share your gigs.

·         Facebook Groups
·         Facebook Pages
·         Facebook Personal Profiles
·         Facebook Direct Messages
·         Twitter Tweets with Relevant Hashtags
·         LinkedIn Profiles and Groups
·         Google Plus Groups
·         Reddit, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, and other social media channels
·         Forum Signatures
·         Forum Posts

Gig Description & Gig Video
Your gig description should be descriptive. You need to add your skills and details about what you offer. Don’t forget to include what are the benefits of ordering you. Give unlimited revisions and 100% money back guarantee. Your description should trust your buyer. Adding gig video is working tip for increasing your sales. Therefore you must add a gig video. But most of them miss this opportunity and worry when they don’t have orders. Adding relevant tags is important to rank your gig.

Stay Active
You need to stay active on Fiverr to get more orders. Download Fiverr mobile app to your smartphone. It will help to easily access and browse on Fiverr. Reply quickly for the messages you receive. Fiverr consider your response time to rank any gig.

Be active in the Fiverr forum to know further tips and tricks from rated sellers. Fiverr forum is a great place to promote your gigs where you will find a lot of experienced sellers and their experiences. Fiverr blog is another place which you should not miss.

Start For a Low Price
Most Buyers find freelancers who are working for a low price. Therefore as a seller, you have to sell your service for a low budget. This is only when you are new to Fiverr. When you receive a rating and reviews, you can upgrade your service for high prices. Sellers don’t like to hire a newbie for a high cost. For a low price definitely, you will receive orders.

These are the actual working tips to get your first order. I tried those tips and got success. If you are a lucky man, definitely you will receive more orders quickly. However, you have to work hard to get success in Fiverr. 

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Top 5 Websites to Get Free Images for Your Blog Posts

Do you include images in your blog posts? If no, this guide will help you to find the best and suitable images for use on your blog posts.

We know images, Videos like multimedia is essential for a blog. These multimedia add value to your blog post. Images will enhance the beauty and the look of your site. Including images drive additional traffic through image search. If you are doing a tutorial related blog you can easily use screenshots. However, for a generic article, you need ‘traditional photographs’ to include.

So, how you find those images? You are not allowed to use images from other websites. If you use those copyright images you will have to face serious troubles. The owners can take legal actions.
There are some websites where you can download free images to use on your blog. Today, we are talking about the top 5 websites to get copyright free images for your blog.

Google Images
You can filter licensed free images by using the advanced search option. You have to verify which it licensed appropriately. We recommend you to link those any image to its source. That will protect you from copyrights. Include photographers name or whose username in the credit field.

Flickr is another good image store to download images. There is a huge stock with different categories. You can find licensed base images by using the ‘advanced search’ option which is similar to google search. Don’t forget to include the photographer’s name or owner details in the credit field.

Wikimedia Commons
A very good source for download celebrity images. Also, include images of sports stars. The special thing is where content is in the public domain and sometimes images released under free license. We recommend you to read the license information before download it.

Bigfoto includes photographs which are taken by armature photographers during their travels. If you download images in here please give a link to bigfoto website through the image. Where images are high quality but your search capabilities are limited.

Everystockphoto is a search engine where have included licensed specific images. You can see licensed have shown with the image. When you click those images it refers you to a specific license page. We recommend you to read those terms before use it. Remember to credit link to the source of the images in the page in everystockphoto.

You should be careful when using free images on your website. We suggest you to use photoshop or any other image editing software to make copyright free images. Image editing software will make your own quality images. There are so many image editing software in playstore.

Don’t use too many images in the same blog post. Image optimization is a very important thing in SEO. Therefore, you have to add alt tags and image names in a proper manner. Using high-quality images will reduce your website loading time. Therefore include low-quality images with the blog post.